What is the Metaverse and what businesses can use it for?

What is the Metaverse and what businesses can use it for?

Feb 10, 2022
Crypto & Blockchain

What is the Metaverse and what businesses can use it for?

There’s only talk about Metaverse in the IT world right now!
Well, let’s clear that up!


What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a large-scale virtual reality or the concept of a constantly working virtual world. People can connect to it in the form of digital avatars and live here: search for information, communicate, make friends, go shopping and work while being in a virtual universe.



The ongoing pandemic has changed the way of life of people around the world from switching to remote work and changing the format of international travel to an increasing dependence on digital technologies.The Metaverse will logically bolster the trend towards globalization and the elimination of borders.

The Internet today is very fragmented. Websites, social networks, emails, messengers, games, payment systems and local services force people to create hundreds of accounts to reach all the friends, colleagues, relatives, websites and bots of shops and service. It has become increasingly difficult for users of different services to find each other and cooperate.

At the same time, people’s achievements are often devalued and wasted. If a person has reached high performance in one ecosystem, it means nothing in any other. For example, promotion in one social network doesn’t mean anything for another service; job search and order exchanges rarely take into consideration the user’s rating on similar websites; achievements in one game mean absolutely nothing for another. There is no publicly available mechanism for monetizing user efforts in the current version of the digital world.

Messengers and social networks have partially increased the integrity of the Internet, and the Metaverse should be the next stage here. It can become the tool that successfully unites all existing and future ecosystems into one virtual world. And then nothing will prevent Slack, Viber, Tiktok and Youtube users from getting together at the same virtual table to work or discuss something.

The metaverse sector or the third generation of the Internet (Web 3.0) is a new stage, key concept of which is to create decentralized autonomous interaction between systems, users and home devices. In Web 3.0 people and machines will participate in the processes of content formation and decision-making simultaneously and equally. Web 3.0 can provide much more utility to users than social networking, streaming, and online shopping that we use most of all now.

How it will work

So, let’s explain with an example.
Sandra creates a three-dimensional avatar in the Metaverse and uses it in virtual meetings. After work, she attends a virtual concert with friends and their avatars appear among hundreds of small heads in the audience. The show ends, and the soloist of the band says: “Don’t forget to buy our branded T-shirts!” Sandra chooses a color and design, pays for it with cryptocurrency, and the next day puts it on for a virtual conference. And so on…


This simple scenario includes corporate communication tools, live broadcasts and e-commerce. But it will work only if every provider creates their own system in such a way that assets like avatars and shirts will be compatible and transferable.


How businesses can enter the Metaverse?

Metaverses can change the business processes of companies around the world. And that’s how.

  • Metaverses as a new level of social interaction

Instead of solving tasks via video calls or messengers, colleagues will be able to transfer to the virtual workspace. They will see all your documents, virtual monitors, projected models, code windows and also immediately understand the context of the problem. Users will see other people through virtual worlds and communicate with each other as if they are physically located in the same room.



  • Immersive sim video games

Immersive sim is a genre of computer games in which the user can play in a variery of scenarios (remember “The Sims” video game that task the player to make their way through levels and complete missions). Such games have a unique property of entering human life, immersing a person in a virtual world with lots of opportunities, interesting locations, thereby making them attractive and emotionally enjoyable for players.

  • Virtual travel and tourism

When real movements are very limited, the creation of virtual tours will become an interesting and popular option. Just imagine digital environments in which people explore the Swiss Alps , climb Mount Everest or stroll down Broadway! It would also be possible to go on a space journey or other universes in virtual worlds that we can’t even fantasize today.

  • Online events and culture

The pandemic has given us a lot of digital events and transferred a great part of the world of art to the online. Digital analogues of museums, exhibitions and events will also allow much more people around the world to enjoy culture in a completely new way.



  • Digital Art

Already today, a huge number of people is interested in owning NFT art. The purchase of NFTs enshrine the right to own a digital object such as gifs, audio, paintings, photographs or virtual real estate.
Going into the digital world we can transcend physical boundaries and create spaces that have never existed. Art will follow us and master new tools. And metaverses will also bring global changes and lots of new opportunities.

The metaverse is not a distant future from science fiction, but something that we can all quite catch and see with our own eyes. Probably, for the next generation, the world wide web in its current version will become the same relic of the past as house phones or the Internet by cards.
To become a part of the new phase of the Internet and also improve your business processes you should take first steps into the Metaverse today. And the Lansoft team will help you to do it with great pleasure!

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