Top 9 AI tools to grow your business in 2023

Top 9 AI tools to grow your business in 2023

Jan 16, 2023

Top 9 AI tools to grow your business in 2023

Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool for business optimization and development. Companies’ loyalty to AI algorithms is growing rapidly. This is facilitated by the increased availability of solutions, successful project experience and the real effects of implementation. Let’s find out why 2023 promises to be the year of AI and what tools can transform key business processes already this year.


#1 Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation should be understood as the processes of using AI to simplify, design and automate business operations – from sending letters and booking tickets to performing complex algorithms. AI systems not just carry out complex tasks faster than humans, but are also able to work 24 hours a day. 

The main purpose and sense of highly intelligent solutions is not to replace people, but to make human labor more efficient.



#2 Chatbots with AI

The most obvious scope of AI for business is virtual assistants. This is one of those AI tools that will only penetrate deeper into the business processes and everyday life. And in some industries (like medicine, finance) they are already irreplaceable and save up to $8 billion a year.

Mention should also be made of ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). It is a large language model chatbot that has become insanely popular over the past months. It is able to actively participate in discussions, analyse large amounts of data and offer forecasts, generate text that is difficult to distinguish from human-written material, and even write and convert code. ChatGPT is unlikely to replace a top specialist, but this tool can assist people in many tasks. ChatGPT has “read” more libraries and documentation than anyone will read over a lifetime. 


#3 Data monitoring and control

Constant control of the company’s infrastructure is another example of an area where AI can be helpful. 

AI algorithms are well suited both in urban infrastructure and at the enterprise level. Already today, drones successfully monitor the condition of the equipment and explore technical bases to lower the risks of its wear and prevent violations. They also help to recognize faces and license plates to prevent and exposure crime and ensure adequate security.



#4 Predictive analytics

Many people would like to look into the future, and for business it is almost a necessity. AI systems are able to handle large amounts of data, identify patterns and build predictions.

Artificial intelligence shows good results in making prognosis due to its ability to self-study. Unlike traditional types of forecasting, predictive analytics easily adapts to changes in behavior, therefore, when new data arrives, it gets smarter. 

In addition, a person needs to process a huge amount of data to make a reliable forecast, which is not always possible for an ordinary specialist. And the neutral networks do it perfectly! Not to mention that AI can be completely impartial and objective unlike humans.


#5 Sales and demand forecasting

Based on checks and other customer information, AI algorithms can find out which products are most in demand, what buyers of a certain age category put them in the basket, how demand changes, how buyers react to promotions. 

Companies can also optimize their pricing strategy using AI. Neural networks automatically collect data on competitors’ prices and maximize revenue by setting competitive prices for products. And it’s not just about only digital placement, but also about physical, too.



#6 Recruiting and hiring

Recruiters quite often overlook qualified candidates or job seekers show their abilities and skills not enough. 

AI systems can filter a large number of candidates and mark suitable specialists that people could miss, simplifying the recruitment process. 


#7 Customer service

Previously, customer support departments have been forced to solve all the clients’ requests – from the simplest issues to the most complex processes requiring detailed study. Complicated tasks have to wait a long time for their turn over little things.

Now consulting services are assisted by AI bots that are able to conduct complex dialogues and process hundreds of calls per minute. Voice assistants automatically lead the client to the solution if it is standard while operators solve only corner cases. As a result, the business saves on labor resources, and problems are solved much faster and more efficiently.


#8 Robotization

Artificial intelligence is a chance to delegate tedious and time-consuming tasks to robots. Robotic process automation (RPA) is the next level of business process automation. The so-called “software robots” perfectly cope with such tasks as filling out documentation, creating reports, sending emails, making schedules and counseling clients. 

Surgical and Agricultural Robots have already proved themselves. And the market for robots and AI assistants in other areas will grow many times.



#9 Big Data analysis

With the widespread use of mobile devices, we create a lot of digital unstructured content every day: emails, messages, letters, photos and videos. AI algorithms help companies deal with this data and structure it for further analysis.

Information generated from studying unstructured data can be amazingly valuable for industrial and resource-extracting enterprises that have accumulated such data over many years. 


AI is a universal tool that can be used for a wide range of tasks and in 2023 strong growth of this technology is projected. The Lansoft team can assist you in optimizing your business processes and interacting with customers and partners. We can also can help your company to create additional competitive advantages and direct your labor resources to solving important strategic tasks.

Contact our experts to discuss your project and see what we can offer to power up your company.

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